Saturday, May 12, 2018

Bob Hope's Favorite Lemon Pie

Bob Hope's Favorite Lemon Pie
1 cup sugar plus 2 Tbsp extra sugar
3 Tbsp. Corn starch
1 cup Boiling water
4 Tbsp.  Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Butter
4 egg yolks
Pinch of Salt
Grated rind of 1 lemon
Image result for bob hopeCombine corn starch and sugar, add water slowly, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth.   Add slightly beaten egg yolks, butter, lemon rind and juice, and salt.  Cook 2 or 3 minutes.  Pour into baked shell.  Cover with meringue made from 3 egg whites beaten stiff, and 2  1/2 Tbsp.  sugar.  Bake in slow oven 15 minutes, or until light brown.
Image result for bob hope lemon pie
Image result for bob hope lemon pie

Wilted lettuce? Add lemon juice to a bowl of cold water and soak the lettuce in the fridge for an hour.

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